You have come to the home of the Shire of Sylvan Glen. A group within the SCA Inc., The Society of Creative Anachronisms is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of the medieval period of history. This link will take you to an outside source: Some more information about the SCA.
Here you will find information about us, our history, our officers, our calendar and some of the wonderful activities we engage in.
These, include combat, rapier, archery, equestrian activities, feasting, dance and recreating medieval arts and sciences which includes crafts, theater, traditional medicines,needlework and more. Other activities include the study and practice of heraldry and scribal arts (calligraphy and illumination).
Our Current Royalty
Her Sylvan Majesty
The calendar on this site is the OFFICIAL, up to date, calendar for the Glen, however there are other ways to communicate with members. Facebook & Yahoo, both require membership, just ask to join. These links will direct you to external sites.
Copyright © 2019
The SCA prohibits the harassment and/or bullying of all individuals and groups
- If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman. read more
We are part of the Kingdom of Aethelmearc which holds land in PA, NY and WV. Aethelmearc is one of the 19 kingdoms in the SCA which is an international non-profit educational group.