Please note that inclement weather may cause a cancellation of practices, and if this is the case, the announcement will be posted to the Shire Facebook page by 10:00 am.

Heavy Combat and Rapier practices

  • Sundays from 12:00pm-3:00pm at Sam Micheals park in Harpers Ferry.  
  • Thursday at The AbleGamers Foundation in Kearneysville from 6:00PM-8:00PM. 

Heavy Combat 

Knight Marshall: THL Leonardus Hebenstreit

Deputy Knight Martial: Baron Dugan Rushton

Youth Fighting

Youth Fighting Marshall: Vacant

Currently Practicing: On Hiatus, please contact us to volunteer as Youth Fighting Marshall.


Rapier Marshall: Baron Salvadore de la Torres

Youth Rapier

Youth Rapier Marshall: Vacant

Currently Practicing: On Hiatus, please contact us to volunteer as Youth Rapier Marshall.

Target Archery

Target Archery Marshall: THL Alfonso de Santo Domingo

Currently Practicing: On Hiatus, please contact us to volunteer as Target Archery Marshall.

Thrown Weapons

Thrown Weapons Marshall: Vacant

Currently Practicing – See our Events and Gatherings page to learn about upcoming practices.

Combat Archery

Combat Archery Marshall: Vacant

Currently Practicing: On Hiatus, please contact us to volunteer as Combat Archery Marshall.


Equestrian Marshall: Vacant

Currently Practicing: On Hiatus, please contact us to volunteer as Equestrian Marshall.

Our Facebook page usually has the most current updates on practices.