Cooks Guild Mistress – Lady Arianna Dal Valone

This is open to all who are interested in learning about (and making) medieval foods of various cultures and times.

Cooks Guild has recently been meeting and sharing food at local marshal practices and Shire Day in the Park.  Our next meeting will be at Shire Day in the Park on June 30th.  We will be focusing our discussion and cooking on recipes from  medieval Andalusia. Come join us, bring a dish if you like, or just try what our current members have cooked up!

Our Cook’s Guild Recipes

Here is a list of recipes created at our recent cooks guild. They are ordered and labeled by date in which they were created and theme for the cook’s guild meeting.

A few more links to get you starting thinking about FOOD!!!

All Gode Cookery Receipes

An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century

Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook

Medieval Cuisine

Medieval Recipes Source