Haunting in the Hollow – A&S

The leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and the nights have a chill. Welcome to the Haunting in the Hollow Arts and Science Competition!
While you are free to enter any project you so choose, our theme is “Fall”. Whatever that means to you, however you choose to interpret it, we will be excited to see the end results.
Voting will be done by the populace. Project submission begins at 9:00am and ends at 11:00 am on Saturday, October 12. The winner of the competition will be announced during the evening court.
Saturday Schedule for A&S Activities
9am—A&S building—Submissions for A&S comp begin. Participants will have a table and a form to fill out.
10 am-11:30am—A&S building—Market Wallet Class. A “make and take” class with Bera the Crafty – An introduction to hand sewing, and making a period tote bag (a Market Wallet) (no charge for materials) Materials will be available for 12 students on a first come/first served basis.
This class is designed to enable students to learn:Basic sewing materials – types of needles, kinds of threads, snips/scissors and incidentals such as thimbles, thread conditioners and organizational tools.3 basic hand sewing stitches – running stitch, whip stitch, modified back stitch. Construction for a period tote bag.
This class is for anyone wishing to learn about basic hand sewing, however, more advanced students are welcome, as we will be constructing a period tote bag that makes an interesting project for more advanced A&S explorations (embroidery, stamping/printing, beading, etc.)
This class will be taught in two parts. The first part will introduce basic sewing materials, and, suggest ways to keep them organized.The second part will be dedicated to constructing a “Market Wallet” – a period tote bag.
- Each student will receive:
- A mini – sewing kit of thread, 2 to 3 needles, safety pins, a pin cushion, a ruler
- A square of fabric – 36 to 48 inches, for the “Market Wallet”
The Market Wallet will provide practice for learning the basic hand sewing stitches – the running stitch, the whip stitch, the modified back stitch.
10am-12pm—Outside—Forestry meet up/scavenger hunt.
11am—A&S building—submissions for A&S comp end. Voting begins. Basket of voting tokens will be left next to the entries.

1pm-3pm Secondary A&S Building- Leaded Stained Glass Make and Take
Avitoria Vidua
Learn the basics of leaded stained glass in this hands on class. Students will learn to score, cut, break, groze, and frame glass in lead. Safety equipment will be provided. We will be working with lead and broken glass, so this class is not suitable for children, pregnant women, or anyone uncomfortable with lead exposure.
Pre-reg is requested.
1pm – 2pm A&S Building -Bera’s Guide to Writing a Recommendation Letter
One of the best parts of the SCA is recognition – we celebrate individuals and groups who deserve recognition. Usually these celebrations take place in Court, but how do their Majesties know who to recognize, and what awards are appropriate? Take this class and learn how easy it is to write a Recommendation Letter. Be part of the process, and make sure deserving Gentles are recognized. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
At the end of this class students will be able to:
- List the steps for writing a Recommendation Letter
- Be able to reference the “Handy Guide” for necessary sites.
- Be able to name at least one “Deserving Gentle”
- Each student will receive a “Handy Guide” to keep, to help them write a Letter of Recommendation.
There is no charge for this class.
2pm-3pm—A&S building—Introduction to Western Alchemy Ludovica di Corda
An introduction to the basic principles, method, and equipment of the historic alchemist. A lecture style class.
3pm-4pm—A&S building—Witch Hunting
Morien MacBain
This class offers a textual survey of the books that shaped the methods, aims, and progress of the witch hunters, as well as a deep dive into the enemies they thought they were facing. Also, naked fun with herbs, archer wizards, and why you should never base navigation decisions on a rolling haystack. A lecture style class.